Contact Us

Contact Us

We're happy to help where we can, so feel free to contact us. 

Please remember we are an all-volunteer group and are not staffed to handle incoming calls or email in real-time; however, we strive to answer all calls and emails within 24hrs. We prefer contact via this form, which we receive as email; however if absolutely necessary, you may leave a voice mail/message for us at 304-760-9030.


Additionally, please remember we are not lawyers and we do not provide legal advice, offer individual financial assistance, or attorney recommendations. The information we provide in our replies is provided for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the current law. Nothing we share should be construed as legal advice from our staff or WVRSOL, nor is it intended to substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. 




Fields marked with an * are required.

WVRSOL will only share your information with your consent, to comply with laws, to provide you with requested services (i.e., Contact Us reply), to protect your rights, or to fulfill legal business obligations. Please review our Privacy Policy for full details.

What are your pronouns? If it's important to you, it's important to us, so WVRSOL will endeavor to refer to you in all communications by the pronouns you identify with.
If we left out your pronouns, please select "other" above and provide us the pronouns you use.
Don't worry if you are not a WV resident, we will answer all the same.
What is your question, comment, suggestion, etc.

You may also write to us at:

WVRSOL | PO Box 42 | Scott Depot, WV 25560-0042